How mature are your organization’s DEIA efforts? The DEI Maturity Assessment identifies your progress..
Although it is not an exact science, research, many years of discovering and applying best practices…
You’ve heard it said before, “without a solid foundation, the building will crumble”.
Leaders must drive and support your DEIA journey. But, how do you get their buy-in? How do you ensure …
Start building a buzz! You may choose to launch your DEI efforts with an organizational event, which will help engage your staff …
Building a new culture is a change, and change management is a crucial part of the DEIA journey. Culture...
Put DEI at the center of your organization by defining your goals and developing a strategy utilizing a culture survey, SWOT analysis, and . . .
It’s important to gather the VOE (Voice of the Employee) thru several touch points and listen to the candid perspectives of others . . .
Uncover if organizational systems, policies or practices perpetuate inequalities to marginalized…
Departmental assessments of policies, practices and programs are critical to long term success. To obtain valid data and…
Prioritizing your efforts can lead to success. Trying to handle too many goals at once can be overwhelming and . . .
Strategy building is the start, followed by developing actionable steps that need to be taken to reach your goal...
One of the benefits of a diverse workplace is having diverse perspectives and letting those voices be heard.
Today’s business world involves a lot of regulatory compliance, from sexual harassment, age discrimination, race discrimination and more.
Creating a culture of inclusion and applying principle of equity starts at the top. When organizational leaders believe…
Explore Human Resources impact on inclusion in hiring, promotions, sponsorship, compensation equity, training,…
Develop a proactive program which encourages using historically underutilized businesses such as minority,…
Not being racist can be passive, but being an Anti-Racist involves action . . .
There are 4 types of change: Change you want and expected, change you...
Whether your organization touches internal or external stakeholders, gathering the Voice of your employees and community will…
Now that your efforts have taken hold, it’s not time to let up. There are certain practices that will drive . . .
Equity, inclusion, belonging and justice is a never ending journey. When you focus . . .
Representation during planning matters. Make your day to day actions align with your overall DEI strategy.
Embedding DEI into the fabric of your organization involves more than tactics . . .